Some of our customers we made happy. You're in good company.

Whitescriber Customers

Examples of our work


Our very own videoscribe introduces our service to a professional and media-savvy audience.

Please check out the script we used to create this videoscribe:

1st Scene:
Animated whiteboard videos or videoscribes
are a fun and very effective way to get through to anyone in any market.
2nd Scene:
Use Videoscribes to :
market your services
explain your business
create educational videos
create unique commercials
send creative invitations
3rd Scene:
Your advantages:
Capture and keep the attention of potential customers.
Drive traffic to your website by increasing your Google ranking.
Get to the heart of your message like no other medium.
Boost visitor engagement and increase sales conversions.
Go viral on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social websites.
4th. Scene:
Why are videoscribes so effective?
The part of your brain that’s activated when watching an illustration being drawn causes the same emotion as if you were actually drawing yourself.
It is almost impossible to stop watching. isn't it?
5th Scene:
100% Risk free! No downpayment!
Pay us only once you are 100% happy with the result!
Tell us a little bit about your video idea.
Enquire now! (with logo)

This videoscribe (in German) presents a tattoo-look-a-like sleeve that caters to soccer fans.
Target audience was described as young and unconventional.
Please check out the script we used to create this videoscribe:

1. Szene:
Denkst du wenn du
"Was soll der Mist, ich kann kein Englisch ?"
2. Szene:
Deine Unterarme sind noch nicht tätowiert weil du
zu geizig bist ?
zu feige bist ?
einen Job hast ?
3. Szene:
Schluss damit.
Hier der heisseste Fanartikel fuer die WM 2014 in Brasilien.
Das Fan-Too (mit grossem Produktbild)
aus superbequemen Nylon-Spandex im coolen Tattoo Look
4. Szene:
Du glaubst Deutschland kommt eh nicht weit bei der WM?
Dann lies mal was Ex-Bundestrainer Erich Ribbeck dazu zu sagen hat:
Die Hitze kann für die deutschen Spieler sogar ein Vorteil sein.
An einem Urlaubsort sieht man in der Mittagshitze auch immer nur Deutsche draußen, also kommen wir mit der Temperatur sogar besser zurecht.
5. Szene
Dann jetzt bestellen!
Zum Fruehkaeuferpreis von schlappen 5 Eur (mit Logo und Foto von springenden Maedchen)